SQLite3 是一个轻量级的数据库管理系统,它包含在一个C库中,无需服务器进程即可运行。SQLite3被设计用于嵌入式系统和应用程序,因其零配置、高可靠性以及占用资源少的特性而广受欢迎



# bin文件安装

# rpm文件安装
yum install -y sqlite   sqlite-devel


sqlite3   test.db   //创建数据库
create table mytable(id integer primary key, value text);
insert into mytable(id, value) values(1, 'Micheal');
select * from mytable;

# 设置格式化查询结果
sqlite> .mode column;
sqlite> .header on;
sqlite> select * from test;
id     value
----------- -------------
1      Micheal
2      Jenny
3      Francis
4      Kerk
.mode column 将设置为列显示模式
.header on 将显示列名

# 修改表结构,增加列:
sqlite> alter table mytable add column email text not null '' collate nocase;;

# 创建视图:
sqlite> create view nameview as select * from mytable;

# 创建索引:
sqlite> create index test_idx on mytable(value);

sqlite> .schema [table]
sqlite > .tables
sqlite > .indices [table ]
导出数据库到 SQL 文件:
sqlite > .output [filename ]
sqlite > .dump
sqlite > .output stdout
从 SQL 文件导入数据库:
sqlite > .read [filename ]
格式化输出数据到 CSV 格式:
sqlite >.output [filename.csv ]
sqlite >.separator ,
sqlite > select * from test;
sqlite >.output stdout
从 CSV 文件导入数据到表中:
sqlite >create table newtable ( id integer primary key, value text );
sqlite >.import [filename.csv ] newtable
/* usage: sqlite3 [database] .dump > [filename] */
sqlite3 mytable.db .dump > backup.sql
/* usage: sqlite3 [database ] < [filename ] */
sqlite3 mytable.db < backup.sql

#sqlite3 help

sqlite> .help
.backup ?db? file      backup db (default "main") to file
.bail on|off           stop after hitting an error.  default off
.databases             list names and files of attached databases
.dump ?table? ...      dump the database in an sql text format
                         if table specified, only dump tables matching
                         like pattern table.
.echo on|off           turn command echo on or off
.exit                  exit this program
.explain on|off        turn output mode suitable for explain on or off.
.genfkey ?options?     options are:
                         --no-drop: do not drop old fkey triggers.
                         --ignore-errors: ignore tables with fkey errors
                         --exec: execute generated sql immediately
                       see file tool/genfkey.readme in the source
                       distribution for further information.
.header(s) on|off      turn display of headers on or off
.help                  show this message
.import file table     import data from file into table
.indices ?table?       show names of all indices
                         if table specified, only show indices for tables
                         matching like pattern table.
.load file ?entry?     load an extension library
.mode mode ?table?     set output mode where mode is one of:
                         csv      comma-separated values
                         column   left-aligned columns.  (see .width)
                         html     html <table> code
                         insert   sql insert statements for table
                         line     one value per line
                         list     values delimited by .separator string
                         tabs     tab-separated values
                         tcl      tcl list elements
.nullvalue string      print string in place of null values
.output filename       send output to filename
.output stdout         send output to the screen
.prompt main continue  replace the standard prompts
.quit                  exit this program
.read filename         execute sql in filename
.restore ?db? file     restore content of db (default "main") from file
.schema ?table?        show the create statements
                         if table specified, only show tables matching
                         like pattern table.
.separator string      change separator used by output mode and .import
.show                  show the current values for various settings
.tables ?table?        list names of tables
                         if table specified, only list tables matching
                         like pattern table.
.timeout ms            try opening locked tables for ms milliseconds
.width num num ...     set column widths for "column" mode
.timer on|off          turn the cpu timer measurement on or off