

├── 马哥linux-多年内部积累电子书-无价之宝】Books.part1.rar
├── 马哥linux-多年内部积累电子书-无价之宝】Books.part2.rar
└── 马哥linux-多年内部积累电子书-无价之宝】Books.part3.rar




mvpbang@mvpbang 马哥linux多年内部积累电子书 % tree .
├── (ZRM)Guide to MySQL Backup.pdf
├── 51cto
│   ├── 51CTO_linuxops_issue16.pdf
│   ├── 51cto_linuxops_issue12.pdf
│   ├── 51cto_linuxops_issue13.pdf
│   ├── 51cto_linuxops_issue14.pdf
│   ├── 51cto_linuxops_issue15.pdf
│   ├── 51cto_linuxops_issue17.pdf
│   ├── 51cto_linuxops_issue19.pdf
│   └── 51cto_linuxops_issue20.pdf
├── A Practical Guide to XEN High Availability.pdf
├── Addison.Wesley.MySQL.4th.Edition.Sep.2008.pdf
├── Awk学习笔记.mht
├── Bind97 Manual.pdf
├── CDN技术详解.pdf
├── Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
├── Docs
│   ├── Aspell_ Command line spell check.mht
│   ├── Clusters_from_Scratch_-_Apache_on_Fedora11.pdf
│   ├── Diff & Patch.mht
│   ├── Linux Sys.txt
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Installation_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Regular-Expression-Tutorial.pdf
│   ├── Scalable System Design.mht
│   ├── Thinking-Clearly-(paper).pdf
│   ├── VRRP_action.mht
│   ├── VRRP技术介绍.pdf
│   ├── awk.png
│   ├── iproute2.png
│   ├── iptables.png
│   ├── keepalive+lvs搭建高可用服务器v1.1.pdf
│   ├── mysql innodb tuning.jpg
│   ├── mysql query.jpg
│   ├── openais集群分析.mht
│   ├── openstack-arch-havana-logical-v1.jpg
│   ├── openstack架构.jpg
│   ├── regular expressions.mht
│   ├── varnish服务器在内存大量富余时使用交换空间的原因及解决方法_李小红_新浪博客.mht
│   └── 正则表达式30分钟入门教程.mht
├── Internet DOCS
│   ├── LVS在淘宝环境中的应用(技术嘉年华).pdf
│   └── Velocity分享_微架构设计之微博计数器服务_杜传赢_20121205.pdf
├── LFS6.2中文.pdf
├── Linux Cluster
│   ├── -Linux_Enterprise_Cluster.chm
│   ├── Cluster_from_Scratch.pdf
│   ├── Lvs-fullnat-synproxy-doc.zip
│   ├── Pacemaker-1.1-Clusters_from_Scratch-zh-CN.pdf
│   ├── Pacemaker-1.1-Pacemaker_Explained-en-US.pdf
│   ├── VRRP技术白皮书.pdf
│   ├── book_sleha.pdf
│   ├── crm(8).mht
│   ├── fullnat.pdf
│   ├── ha-iscsi.pdf
│   ├── ha-nfs.pdf
│   └── linux-ha-users-guide.pdf
├── Linux Networking
│   ├── TCP IP Illustrated, Vol 1 The Protocols 2nd.pdf
│   ├── TCP.IP路由技术[第一卷](CCIE职业发展系列).PDF
│   └── Understanding Linux Network Internals.chm
├── Linux basics
│   ├── Linux-PAM_SAG.pdf
│   ├── Linux系统管理技术手册(第二版).pdf
│   ├── Linux服务器配置全程实录.pdf
│   ├── UNIX 编程艺术.pdf
│   ├── cpumemory.pdf
│   ├── fhs-2.3.pdf
│   ├── selinux howto.pdf
│   ├── ssd知识分享 - 新浪内部-2小时版本-最终精简版-pub.pdf
│   ├── 鸟哥的Linux私房菜_服务器架设篇 第三版.pdf
│   ├── 鸟哥的Linux私房菜:基础学习篇(第二版).pdf
│   ├── 微机原理及应用.pdf
│   └── 深入理解计算机系统.pdf
├── Linux kernel
│   ├── Linux Kernel in a Nutshell.pdf
│   ├── Linux.Kernel.Development.3rd.Edition.pdf
│   ├── Understanding.the.Linux.Kernel.3rd.Edition.chm
│   └── linux2.6.28内核编译参考手册.pdf
├── Openstack
│   ├── bk-config-guide-havana.pdf
│   ├── folsom mee tup intro.pdf
│   ├── image-guide.pdf
│   ├── openstack-arch-havana-logical-v1 (1).jpg
│   ├── openstack-install-guide-yum-icehouse.pdf
│   ├── openstack-install-guide-yum-trunk.pdf
│   └── openstack-ops-manual-trunk.pdf
├── Pro+OpenSSH+(2005).pdf
├── Pro.Git-zh_CN.pdf
├── QConShanghai2013-赵永明-ATS与CDN实践.pdf
├── RHCE 6.0
│   ├── RHCE6教材第一册.pdf
│   ├── RHCE6教材第三册.pdf
│   ├── RHCE6教材第二册.pdf
│   └── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Performance_Tuning_Guide-zh-CN.pdf
├── RHCS
│   ├── Cluster_Administration.pdf
│   ├── Cluster_Suite_Overview.pdf
│   ├── Global_File_System_2.pdf
│   └── Virtual_Server_Administration.pdf
├── RHEL7 Docs
│   ├── EFI.pdf
│   ├── Pacemaker-1.1-Clusters_from_Scratch-zh-CN.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Installation_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Networking_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Resource_Management_and_Linux_Containers_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   └── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-System_Administrators_Guide-en-US.pdf
├── SQL_for_MySQL.pdf
├── Sams.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd.Edition.Aug.2005.chm
├── Snort_使用手册_from_IBM.pdf
├── Syngress.Nagios.3.Enterprise.Network.Monitoring.Including.Plug-Ins.and.Hardware.Devices.May.2008.eBook-DDU.pdf
├── Syngress.Nmap.in.the.Enterprise.Your.Guide.to.Network.Scanning.Jan.2008.pdf
├── Syngress.OSSEC.Host.Based.Intrusion.Detection.Guide.Feb.2008.pdf
├── Syngress.Virtualization.with.Xen.May.2007.pdf
├── TCP IP Illustrated, Vol 1 The Protocols 2nd.pdf
├── TCP.IP路由技术[第一卷](CCIE职业发展系列).PDF
├── UNIX 编程艺术.pdf
├── Ubuntu
│   ├── [Ubuntu.Server最佳方案].冷罡华.扫描版.pdf
│   ├── [Ubuntu权威指南].刑国庆.扫描版.pdf
│   └── [深入解析Ubuntu操作系统].(美)赫达逊,(美)赫达逊.扫描版.pdf
├── Understanding Linux Network Internals.chm
├── Understanding.the.Linux.Kernel.3rd.Edition.chm
├── VRRP技术白皮书.pdf
├── Wireshark从入门到精通.pdf
├── Wrox.Professional.Xen.Virtualization.Jan.2008.pdf
├── [Apress] Pro OpenSSH (2006) - BBL.pdf
├── [CentOS.5系统管理].梁如军.丛日权.周涛.扫描版.pdf
├── [Linux系统管理技术手册(第二版)].(美)奈米斯.扫描版.pdf
├── [Linux英文原版图书系列].NO_STARCH-Linux_Enterprise_Cluster.chm
├── [Linux服务器配置全程实录].张勤,杨章明.扫描版.pdf
├── [鸟哥的Linux私房菜:基础学习篇(第二版)].鸟哥.扫描版.pdf
├── ansible
│   ├── 20140212-ansiblecrashcourse-slideshare-140612034417-phpapp01.pptx
│   ├── Ansible Configuration Management-2013.pdf
│   ├── Ansible-notes.pdf
│   └── szelechoski-ansible-140625091123-phpapp02.pptx
├── apache
│   ├── O'Reilly.Apache.Security.chm
│   ├── OReilly.Apache.Cookbook.Jan.2008.chm
│   └── oreilly.apache.security.mar.2005.ebook-lib.chm
├── cacti
│   ├── Cacti 0.8 Beginner's.pdf
│   ├── Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring.pdf
│   ├── CactiInstallations.doc
│   └── OReilly.Essential.SNMP.2nd.Edition.Sep.2005.chm
├── cpumemory.pdf
├── crm(8).mht
├── dns and bind
│   ├── Bind97 Manual.pdf
│   ├── CDN技术详解.pdf
│   ├── DNS与BIND中文版(第四版.pdf
│   ├── OReilly DNS and BIND 5th(2006).chm
│   └── 利用Bind DLZ MySQL 构建智能DNS V2.pdf
├── elk
│   ├── ELK-guide-cn.pdf
│   ├── ElasticSearch Cookbook, 2nd Edition.pdf
│   ├── Elasticsearch Cluster.pdf
│   ├── Elasticsearche Query DSL.pdf
│   ├── Elasticserach Basics.pdf
│   ├── The LogStash Book - Turnbull James.pdf
│   └── attackmonitoringusingelk2-150330094850-conversion-gate01.pptx
├── fhs-2.3.pdf
├── git
│   ├── Git权威指南.pdf
│   └── Pro.Git-zh_CN.pdf
├── hadoop
│   ├── Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce.pdf
│   ├── Hadoop in Practice.pdf
│   ├── [itpub.net]Hadoop in Action.pdf
│   ├── hadoop_the_definitive_guide_3nd_edition.pdf
│   ├── hadoopyarn-131216014617-phpapp01.pdf
│   └── hdfs-111208012941-phpapp01.pdf
├── http and html
│   ├── HTTP The Definitive Guide.pdf
│   ├── HTTP协议(RFC2616)中文版.pdf
│   ├── HTTP权威指南.pdf
│   ├── Head First HTML and CSS, 2nd Edition .pdf
│   ├── Head First HTML与CSS、XHTML(中文版).pdf
│   └── 《HTTP权威指南》(非完整版).pdf
├── http proxies and caches
│   ├── ATS与CDN实践.pdf
│   ├── haproxy.pdf
│   └── varnish-book.pdf
├── linux2.6.28内核编译参考手册.pdf
├── memcached
│   ├── Memcache常用命令.pdf
│   └── memcached.pdf
├── mysql
│   ├── (ZRM)Guide to MySQL Backup.pdf
│   ├── 20131211085900671.png
│   ├── Addison.Wesley.MySQL.4th.Edition.Sep.2008.pdf
│   ├── InnoDB_int.png
│   ├── MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual.pdf
│   ├── MySQL 5.6
│   │   ├── mysql_cs_williammary.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_pn_performance_scalability.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_pn_performance_schema_innodb.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_pn_replication_architectures.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_pn_replication_consistency.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_pn_replication_gtid_failover.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_pn_replication_gtid_usecases.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_wp_enterprise_whatsnew_56.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_wp_memcached.pdf
│   │   ├── mysql_wp_replication_introduction.pdf
│   │   └── mysql_wp_replication_tutorial.pdf
│   ├── MySQL Cookbook(第2版)中文版.pdf
│   ├── MySQL administrator's bible.pdf
│   ├── MySQL 主从原理、问题、解决方案和应用——丁奇.pdf
│   ├── MySQL查询优化浅析(2013-02-22更新版).pdf
│   ├── MySQL线上常见故障剖析.pdf
│   ├── MySQL性能调优与架构设计.pdf
│   ├── O'Reilly.High.Performance.MySQL.3rd.Edition.Mar.2012.pdf
│   ├── O'Reilly.MySQL.High.Availability.pdf
│   ├── Packt.High.Availability.MySQL.Cookbook.2010.pdf
│   ├── PerconaXtraBackup-2-2-13.pdf
│   ├── PerconaXtraBackup-2.1.4.pdf
│   ├── Percona_XtraBackup_20_Operations_Manual.pdf
│   ├── Reilly.MySQL Troubleshooting.pdf
│   ├── SQL_for_MySQL.pdf
│   ├── Sams.MySQL.5.Certification.Study.Guide.2nd.Edition.Aug.2005.chm
│   ├── [高性能MySQL(第2版)中文版].施瓦茨.扫描版.pdf
│   ├── ha-mysql-rhelha.pdf
│   ├── ha-mysql.pdf
│   ├── innodb_tablespace.jpg
│   └── 高性能MySQL_第3版_CHS.pdf
├── nginx
│   ├── Nginx_系统卷 - 高性能Web服务器详解与运维.pdf
│   ├── Packt - Nginx HTTP Server.pdf
│   ├── nginx优化.pdf
│   ├── programmer-201209-Tengine.pdf
│   ├── taobao_nginx_2012_06.pdf
│   ├── [email protected]
│   ├── 决战Nginx++技术卷++高性能Web服务器部署与.pdf
│   └── 实战Nginx.取代Apache的高性能Web服务器.2010.pdf
├── performance tuning
│   └── Linux Performance Analysis and Tools.pdf
├── postfix权威指南(中文版).pdf
├── python
│   ├── MySQL for Python.pdf
│   ├── OReilly.Flask.Web.Development.2014.4.pdf
│   ├── Python.Cookbook(第2版)中文版.pdf
│   ├── Python.UNIX和Linux系统管理指南.pdf
│   ├── Python3程序开发指南(第二版).pdf
│   ├── Python基础教程(第2版).pdf
│   ├── Python技术手册(第2版).pdf
│   ├── Python参考手册(第4版).pdf
│   ├── Python学习手册(第4版).pdf
│   ├── Python核心编程(第二版).pdf
│   ├── Python高级编程.pdf
│   ├── [Head.First.Python(中文版)].Paul.Barry.扫描版[电子书www.minxue.net].pdf
│   ├── flask-docs.pdf
│   └── python_3.1官方入门指南中文版.pdf
├── redis
│   ├── 02houjunwei.pdf
│   ├── 2014-09redis-140922173831-phpapp01.pdf
│   ├── 2015-05-15redis-another-step-on-the-road-150518045920-lva1-app6892.pdf
│   ├── Rank Join Queries in NoSQL Databases..pdf
│   ├── Redis in Action.pdf
│   ├── Redis学习笔记.pdf
│   ├── Redis中文入门手册.pdf
│   ├── Redis新手入门详解.pdf
│   ├── cois-palko-strata2013-130304200015-phpapp02.pptx
│   ├── getting-started-with-redis-140821100827-phpapp01.pdf
│   ├── memcache_redis_mongodb.pdf
│   ├── redis-140308045328-phpapp02.pdf
│   ├── redis-gr8conf-110627225017-phpapp01.pdf
│   ├── redis-logo.png
│   ├── redis.pdf
│   ├── redispersistenceinpractice1-140123104606-phpapp01.pdf
│   ├── redis命令参考中文版.pdf
│   ├── 《Redis实战》电子书.pdf
│   └── 游戏公司Wooga的Redis架构变迁.pdf
├── refman-5.1-zh.html-chapter
│   └── refman-5.1-zh.html-chapter
│       ├── apis.html
│       ├── charset.html
│       ├── client-side-scripts.html
│       ├── column-types.html
│       ├── connectors.html
│       ├── credits.html
│       ├── custom-engine.html
│       ├── database-administration.html
│       ├── environment-variables.html
│       ├── error-handling.html
│       ├── extending-mysql.html
│       ├── functions.html
│       ├── gpl-license.html
│       ├── images
│       │   ├── blackhole-1.png
│       │   ├── cluster-components-1.png
│       │   ├── custom-engine-overview.png
│       │   ├── multi-comp-1-reduced.png
│       │   ├── multi-comp-1.png
│       │   ├── myaccess-odbc.png
│       │   ├── myaccess.png
│       │   ├── myarchitecture.png
│       │   ├── mydll-properties.png
│       │   ├── mydsn-example.png
│       │   ├── mydsn-icon.png
│       │   ├── mydsn-options.png
│       │   ├── mydsn-setup.png
│       │   ├── mydsn-test-fail.png
│       │   ├── mydsn-test-success.png
│       │   ├── mydsn-trace.png
│       │   ├── mydsn.png
│       │   ├── myflowchart.png
│       │   ├── pluggable-storage-choosing.png
│       │   └── pluggable-storage-overview.png
│       ├── index.html
│       ├── information-schema.html
│       ├── installing.html
│       ├── introduction.html
│       ├── ix01.html
│       ├── language-structure.html
│       ├── limits.html
│       ├── mysql-floss-license-exception.html
│       ├── ndbcluster.html
│       ├── news.html
│       ├── optimization.html
│       ├── partitioning.html
│       ├── pluggable-storage.html
│       ├── porting.html
│       ├── precision-math.html
│       ├── preface.html
│       ├── problems.html
│       ├── regexp.html
│       ├── replication.html
│       ├── restrictions.html
│       ├── spatial-extensions-in-mysql.html
│       ├── sql-syntax.html
│       ├── storage-engines.html
│       ├── stored-procedures.html
│       ├── triggers.html
│       ├── tutorial.html
│       ├── using-mysql-programs.html
│       └── views.html
├── rhel6 Docs
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-5-Deployment_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-5-Installation_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Deployment_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Installation_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Performance_Tuning_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   └── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Performance_Tuning_Guide-zh-CN.pdf
├── security and monitoring
│   ├── Defcon-CTF交流_publish.pdf
│   ├── Linux防火墙.pdf
│   ├── O'REILLY - Essential SNMP (1st Edition - July 2001).pdf
│   ├── OReilly.SELinux.NSAs.Open.Source.Security.Enhanced.Linux.Oct.2004.eBook-DDU.chm
│   ├── OpenVPN 配置全集.pdf
│   ├── Packt.Learning.Nagios.3.0.Oct.2008(1).pdf
│   ├── Snort_使用手册_from_IBM.pdf
│   ├── Syngress.Nagios.3.Enterprise.Network.Monitoring.Including.Plug-Ins.and.Hardware.Devices.May.2008.eBook-DDU.pdf
│   ├── Syngress.Nmap.in.the.Enterprise.Your.Guide.to.Network.Scanning.Jan.2008.pdf
│   ├── Syngress.OSSEC.Host.Based.Intrusion.Detection.Guide.Feb.2008.pdf
│   ├── Wireshark从入门到精通.pdf
│   ├── blowfish系列题目详解.pdf
│   └── 《Snort中文手册》.pdf
├── sed and awk
│   └── Awk学习笔记.mht
├── selinux howto.pdf
├── shell
│   ├── (高清)Linux 命令行和shell脚本编程宝典.pdf
│   ├── 51CTO下载-ABS_Guide_cn.pdf
│   ├── Apress.Expert.Shell.Scripting.pdf
│   ├── Bash Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition.pdf
│   ├── LINUX与UNIX SHELL编程指南.rar
│   ├── Linux+命令行和shell脚本编程宝典.pdf
│   ├── Linux.O_Reilly.SED and AWK.chm
│   ├── O'Reilly-LearningTheBashShell,3rdEdition.pdf
│   ├── ProBashProgramming.pdf
│   ├── SAMS-Linux_Shell_Scripting_With_Bash.pdf
│   ├── Shell脚本学习指南.pdf
│   ├── The Linux Command Line A Complete Introduction.pdf
│   ├── UNIX.shell范例精解(第4版).pdf
│   ├── Vim-handbook-cn-72.pdf
│   ├── Wiley.Linux.Command.Line.and.Shell.Scripting.Bible.May.2008.pdf
│   ├── abs-guide.pdf
│   └── sed&awk_ڶ___(___İ_).pdf
├── ssd知识分享 - 新浪内部-2小时版本-最终精简版-pub.pdf
├── ssh
│   ├── Pro+OpenSSH+(2005).pdf
│   └── [Apress] Pro OpenSSH (2006) - BBL.pdf
├── tomcat
│   ├── Apache Tomcat 7 Essentials.pdf
│   ├── Apache与tomcat整合、性能、集群、测试.pdf
│   ├── Apress.Apache.Tomcat.7.Sep.2011.pdf
│   ├── Java_Performance.pdf
│   ├── OReilly.Tomcat.The.Definitive.Guide.2nd.Edition.Oct.2007.eBook-BBL.pdf
│   ├── Professional Apache Tomcat 6.pdf
│   ├── Tomcat+Apache集群安装指南.pdf
│   └── Tomcat.txt
├── varnish
│   ├── 30212356_146129273143JH.jpg
│   ├── 30212356_14612927870212.jpg
│   └── 30212356_1461292823GZ29.jpg
├── varnish-book.pdf
├── virtualization
│   ├── A Practical Guide to XEN High Availability.pdf
│   ├── Mastering KVM Virtualization.pdf
│   ├── Packt.Publishing.Xen.Virtualization.A.Practical.Handbook.Dec.2007.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Networking_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Virtualization_Deployment_and_Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Virtualization_Getting_Started_Guide-en-US.pdf
│   ├── Syngress.Virtualization.with.Xen.May.2007.pdf
│   └── Wrox.Professional.Xen.Virtualization.Jan.2008.pdf
├── 《Snort中文手册》.pdf
├── 利用Bind DLZ MySQL 构建智能DNS V2.pdf
├── 图解rsync数据同步部署文档.pdf
├── 鸟哥的Linux私房菜_服务器架设篇 第三版.pdf
├── 互联网文档
│   ├── 04Redis集群在腾讯游戏的应用及演进.pdf
│   ├── TheDockerBook_sample.pdf
│   ├── 阿里巴巴 运维部-网站存储经验谈.pdf
│   ├── 淘宝技术这十年.pdf
│   └── 开源力量公开课第20期-淘宝软件基础设施实践-章文嵩.pdf
├── 集群最强版 史应生.pdf
├── 深入理解计算机网络 王达.pdf
└── 深入理解计算机系统.pdf

41 directories, 378 files