如何快速的部署企业及邮件服务? zimbra



  • centos7.x 2c4g
  • zimbra //zcs8.6


  • hosts
  • selinux
  • firewalld
  • ntp


hostnamectl set-hostname mail.local.com

/etc/hosts mail.local.com

#stop mail

systemctl stop postfix && systemctl disable postfix
systemctl stop sendmail && systemctl disable sendmail


*/20 * * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate ntp.aliyun.com && /usr/sbin/hwclock -w &>/dev/null



#request pkg

yum install perl perl-core ntp nmap sudo libidn gmp libaio libstdc++ unzip sysstat sqlite nc net-tools -y


wget https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/8.6.0_GA/zcs-8.6.0_GA_1153.RHEL7_64.20141215151110.tgz

tar zxf zcs-8.6.0_GA_1153.RHEL7_64.20141215151110.tgz


[root@mail zcs-8.6.0_GA_1153.RHEL7_64.20141215151110]# ./install.sh --help
./install.sh [-r <dir> -l <file> -a <file> -u -s -c type -x -h] [defaultsfile]

-h|--help               Usage
-l|--license <file>     License file to install.
-a|--activation <file>  License activation file to install. [Upgrades only]
-r|--restore <dir>      Restore contents of <dir> to localconfig
-s|--softwareonly       Software only installation.
-u|--uninstall          Uninstall ZCS
-x|--skipspacecheck     Skip filesystem capacity checks.
--beta-support          Allows installer to upgrade Network Edition Betas.
--platform-override     Allows installer to continue on an unknown OS.
--skip-activation-check Allows installer to continue if license activation checks fail.
--skip-upgrade-check    Allows installer to skip upgrade validation checks.
[defaultsfile]          File containing default install values.

./install.sh --platform-override
y ...

dns/mail mx  //no


su - zimbra

[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmcontrol status 
Host mail.local.com
	amavis                  Running
	antispam                Running
	antivirus               Running
	dnscache                Running
	ldap                    Running
	logger                  Running
	mailbox                 Running
	memcached               Running
	mta                     Running
	opendkim                Running
	proxy                   Running
	service webapp          Running
	snmp                    Running
	spell                   Running
	stats                   Running
	zimbra webapp           Running
	zimbraAdmin webapp      Running
	zimlet webapp           Running
	zmconfigd               Running

/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol [-v -h -H <host>] command [args]

	-v:	display version
	-h:	print usage statement
	-H:	Host name (localhost)

	Command in:
		restart                           Restart services
		shutdown                             Stop services
		start                               Start services
		startup                             Start services
		status                      Display service status
		stop                                 Stop services

https://mail.local.com:7071/zimbraAdmin/  //本地hosts

https://mail.local.com:8443/  //mail
https://mail.local.com    //nginx 转发
[email protected]
