在unix/linux平台上,查看命令帮助参数:man/info xxxx,如果仅仅想看看命令使用样例呢?

tldr(tool long don’t read)



  • mac


brew install tldr

tldr tar
tldr unzip

2.tldr help

mvpbang@mvpbang ~ % tldr -h  
usage: tldr [OPTION]... PAGE

available commands:
    -h, --help              print this help and exit
    -C, --color             force color display
    -p, --platform=PLATFORM select platform, supported are linux / osx / sunos / windows / common
    -r, --render=PATH       render a local page for testing purposes
    -u, --update            update local database
    -v, --version           print version and exit
    -c, --clear-cache       clear local database
    -V, --verbose           display verbose output (when used with -c or -u)
    -l, --list              list all entries in the local database
mvpbang@mvpbang ~ % tldr -u
Successfully updated local database